Saturday, May 12, 2018

Travel Survey-Cooperative Class Activity

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Travel Survey 

Cooperative Class Activity

Looking for a cooperative interactive activity that reinforces collaboration, counting, tally marks and work problems? This simple survey is fun and will have your students getting to know and chatting with each other---at the same time practicing their math skills.

I have found this travel survey useful at the beginning of the year, returning from a long break, on a rainy recess day, etc. You will think of other uses and times depending on your needs.

Another fun way my students have used this graph is not just in our classroom but more school-wide. My students have ‘Buddies’ from an older class and have surveyed them during the times we do activities together. The younger students love that they are able to engage and be the leaders in an activity with their adored older ‘Buddies’.

If you are not able to have a ‘Buddy’ class in your situation, perhaps survey classrooms from same grade level in your school. I have also had the students take their survey papers to recess and ask 10 random students their travel choice. In our school 1st through 3rd has recess at the same time. Of course, you can change the number stated on the survey to any number that works best for you.

Other ideas I have tried with this travel survey is using it as homework and simply ask children to survey family members. A few times, as a fun holiday option, I have sent home the survey during break times when larger groups of family members may assemble. This allows the students to interview more people and is a choice activity for them.

Students love to interview and survey on a huge variety of subjects so I have made up similar surveys for them. Most of those I made in Word so my next goal is to transform them into PowerPoint so I can share with others.
Click on for Free Download
Thank you to My Cute Graphics for their transportation clip art.

Please visit my blog for more ideas and downloads

  Also check out my teacherspayteachers store and Pinterest 

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