Showing posts with label beginning addition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beginning addition. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2018

Beginning Addition Stick Book

Welcome to my blog post!

Beginning Addition Sticker Book
This is one of the easiest small group addition activities you can imagine. All you need is folded copy paper or folded construction paper, whatever manipulative you have on hand and stickers from the Dollar Tree! I like to provide a number line in case a student, at this point is still uncertain about how they make one of the numerals.

Usually, I try to find enough paper in the scrap bin to fold together enough booklets. If nothing available an appropriate size, fold copy paper into 4 parts and staple together enough pages to make the tiny booklets.
Students add a title and their name

Simple blank tiny booklet
See if you can make the cover out of construction paper and perhaps the inside pages from colored copy paper. This puts a bit of a different take on simply folding white paper to make a tiny booklet. It adds a bit of new interest and something different, which children enjoy.

 Decide the addition sum you want the children to manipulate and explore with this project. This blog shows my students when we make addition equations with 5 objects. I was looking for the formation of the numbers, understanding and use of the operation signs + and = as well as correct use and meaning of math vocabulary – add, plus, equal.

Use number lines if needed for identification and
formation assistance.
The main goal is to have a lively discussion about why and what they are doing! If some are having trouble with the vocabulary or identifying a numeral, please take the time to talk through with examples and having the students be actively talking about their thinking.

Take the time now to assess each student’s understanding and fluency. If a student is not clear on something, continue to engage in a positive way. Being able to use correct vocabulary and manipulate the numbers to make 5 (or whichever number you are doing) is basic and fundamental to the next development skill. It may seem like so much trouble, as you are off your schedule, but that extra 5 minutes will better ensure, that student will be ready to move with the class when you go to a deeper level.

Busy worker!
After we did addition facts of 5, we made a new book called, Beginning Family of 5 Subtraction Book. This way they could see the idea of fact families and number bonding. We used the same manipulative so there would be another tie with remembering the prior addition fact family.
Click the video to see the lesson in action
When we have discussed the terms number family and number bonds, this activity leads to a Number Bonds Book for 5 and placed in the math center as an independent or partner activity. Be sure they have had many experiences as a class about building and manipulating the number bond frames before using as an independent activity or at your math center.

Hope you got some ideas from reading this post. Check out more of my ideas on my TPT store.

Click my Pinterest link to find more easy to make and use ideas.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Many Uses of 'Links' In Your Math Centers

What Else Can I Do With 'Links'?

In my last post, I discussed possible ways to use Links with patterning activities. When I use a manipulative, I try to think of other skills in which teachers can use it to cut down on additional cost and storage space.

I also love to use Links at Math Stations or small group work in areas other than patterning. Let's talk about building concrete experiences with 1 to 1 counting, beginning addition, subtraction and multiplication skills also using the Links. If you do not have that material in your classroom, select another material that is readily available, which will serve the same goal.        
1 to 1 Matching
1 to 1 Matching

1 to 1 Counting With Objects and Links
I found these 1-20 Numerals Flash Cards at The Dollar Tree, one of my favorite places to find inexpensive items for the classroom. Use Links or any counting material to represent 1 to 1 representation of that numeral. To represent the 5 objects on the card shown here, I used the Links in no particular color or order and your students may see a different way to show that number. On my second number 8, I used 2 red, 3 blue, and 3 yellow links. If you wanted a simple follow-up assessment, ask them to write that numeral in their journal.
Using Links for 1 to 1 object matching

Using Links to match number and objects
Both types of card usage

Another simple differentiation activity for children not quite ready to associate a numeral with 1 to 1 counting, uses a different set of number cards. Cut off the numeral on the top of the cards you want to use and students could match 1 to 1 Links to an object.  
There are several examples of each number in the card deck so you can make a set with the number and the objects.
ready to associate 
More Number Matching
Free digit cards
Row of sequential numbers
Number Sheet Used

These free digit cards and the number sheet are available at the bottom of this posting? Just click on each sheet and print. Please leave a comment about how it works for you and also follow me if you want to be friends!
Use this as a math center, independent task or quick 1 to 1 counting assessment-use Links and plain digit number cards with no objects if that is the goal. 
A tip--When you run off the numerals and number sheet, be sure to use stiff paper, such as cardstock, so it wont be too bendable. On my initial use of these, my paper was not sturdy enough so when the Links were applied it was too weak to support the weight of the material.
Another mistake I made on my first try was punching the hole too far up on the paper. The Link wouldn’t extend that far up to go through the hole! If you use colored paperclips, you might encounter the same issue.
Beginning Addition Idea
These Dollar Tree’s Addition Flash Cards were perfect for how I wanted to use addition facts. Select the facts you wish students to review and use only those cards. I like to have them select 2 different color Links (or other materials, if no Links available), to demonstrate their understanding of putting together 2 addends to make that total sum.
Addition using 2 addends
It is very important to consistently incorporate math vocabulary in your classroom-verbally, in your display areas-any manner that is going to make the meaning understandable to your students.
Beginning Subtraction Idea----
Using Subtraction Flash Cards, manipulate the Links around to show the differences between the two numbers. Demonstrate how to link together material to represent the higher number. 
String together Links to represent
The high number
Then take away or remove
The smaller number.

How many Links are left?
What is the 
between the two numbers?
Beginning Multiplication Ideas
Count by 2's-multiply by 2's.
Use the same number sheet for multiplying by 2’s or use as counting by 2’s. Cut out the strip(s) of numbers you wish to use and hole punch for the Links to attach.
Multiply by groups of 3's
When we work on multiplication with children who need more concrete activities, it is helpful to link the pieces together in groups of 3’s, 4’s or whatever family of facts you are targeting. Below I used them for multiplication families of 3’s and 4’s.
Multiply by groups of 4's

   Have your students record their findings in their journals.  Click below to print the digit cards and the number sheet.


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